Make a tabular summary of methods associated with ready model modules
make_methods_tb() scrapes the documentation websites of all libraries of ready4 modules in a specified GitHub organisation and then creates a tabular summary of vignette examples of ready4 module methods.
- packages_tb
Packages (a tibble), Default: NULL
- exclude_mthds_for_chr
Exclude methods for (a character vector), Default: 'NA'
- framework_only_1L_lgl
Framework only (a logical vector of length one), Default: TRUE
- gh_repo_1L_chr
Github repository (a character vector of length one), Default: 'ready4-dev/ready4'
- gh_tag_1L_chr
Github tag (a character vector of length one), Default: 'Documentation_0.0'
- module_pkgs_chr
Module packages (a character vector), Default: character(0)
- ns_var_nm_1L_chr
Namespace variable name (a character vector of length one), Default: 'pt_ns_chr'
- path_1L_chr
Path (a character vector of length one), Default: character(0)
- return_1L_chr
Return (a character vector of length one), Default: 'all'