Renew (set) the values of data in a module slot
, R/mthd_renewSlot.R
renewSlot() is a "setter" method that renews (sets) the value of a specified model module slot with either the value returned by applying the renew method to that slot (the default behaviour) or a supplied new value.
renewSlot method applied to Ready4Module
renewSlot(x, slot_nm_1L_chr, new_val_xx = "use_renew_mthd", ...)
# S4 method for class 'Ready4Module'
renewSlot(x, slot_nm_1L_chr, new_val_xx = "use_renew_mthd", ...)
A model module (an instance of a class that inherits from Ready4Module) of the same class as that supplied to the method.
A ready4 model module (an instance of a class that inherits from Ready4Module) of the same class as that supplied to the method.
X <- Ready4Module()
X <- renewSlot(X, "dissemination_1L_chr", new_val_xx = "Some new text.")