All functions authored with the ready4
framework need to begin with a verb. The definitions of all meaningful verbs used in functions authored for a ready4 framework model implementation can be retrieved using get_fn_types()
dv_nm_1L_chr = NA_character_,
dv_ds_metadata_ls = list(list()),
dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = NA_character_,
dv_server_1L_chr = NA_character_,
dv_url_pfx_1L_chr = NA_character_,
gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/ready4",
gh_tag_1L_chr = "Documentation_0.0",
type_1L_chr = c("submodule", "simple", "partial"),
what_1L_chr = c("regular", "method", "all")
- dv_nm_1L_chr
Dataverse name (a character vector of length one), Default: 'NA'
- dv_ds_metadata_ls
Dataverse dataset metadata (a list), Default: list(list())
- dv_ds_nm_1L_chr
Dataverse dataset name (a character vector of length one), Default: 'NA'
- dv_server_1L_chr
Dataverse server (a character vector of length one), Default: 'NA'
- dv_url_pfx_1L_chr
Dataverse url prefix (a character vector of length one), Default: 'NA'
- gh_repo_1L_chr
Github repository (a character vector of length one), Default: 'ready4-dev/ready4'
- gh_tag_1L_chr
Github tag (a character vector of length one), Default: 'Documentation_0.0'
- type_1L_chr
Type (a character vector of length one), Default: c("submodule", "simple", "partial")
- what_1L_chr
What (a character vector of length one), Default: c("regular", "method", "all")