write_predr_cmprsn_outps() is a Write function that writes a file to a specified local directory. Specifically, this function implements an algorithm to write predictor comparison outputs. The function returns Confirmed predictors (a tibble).
new_dir_nm_1L_chr = "B_Candidate_Predrs_Cmprsn",
consent_1L_chr = "",
consent_indcs_int = 1L,
depnt_var_min_val_1L_dbl = numeric(0),
depnt_var_nm_1L_chr = "utl_total_w",
max_nbr_of_boruta_mdl_runs_int = 300L,
options_chr = c("Y", "N")
- data_tb
Data (a tibble)
- path_to_write_to_1L_chr
Path to write to (a character vector of length one)
- new_dir_nm_1L_chr
New directory name (a character vector of length one), Default: 'B_Candidate_Predrs_Cmprsn'
- consent_1L_chr
Consent (a character vector of length one), Default: ''
- consent_indcs_int
Consent indices (an integer vector), Default: 1
- depnt_var_min_val_1L_dbl
Dependent variable minimum value (a double vector of length one), Default: numeric(0)
- depnt_var_nm_1L_chr
Dependent variable name (a character vector of length one), Default: 'utl_total_w'
- candidate_predrs_chr
Candidate predictors (a character vector)
- max_nbr_of_boruta_mdl_runs_int
Maximum number of boruta model runs (an integer vector), Default: 300
- options_chr
Options (a character vector), Default: c("Y", "N")