author method applied to TTUReports
author method applied to TTUProject
# S4 method for TTUReports
args_ls = NULL,
consent_1L_chr = "",
depnt_var_desc_1L_chr = NA_character_,
depnt_var_min_val_1L_dbl = numeric(0),
download_tmpl_1L_lgl = T,
fl_type_1L_chr = ".eps",
timepoint_new_nms_chr = NA_character_,
type_1L_chr = "Report",
what_1L_chr = NA_character_,
x_labels_chr = character(0),
# S4 method for TTUProject
consent_1L_chr = "",
custom_args_ls = NULL,
custom_fn = NULL,
depnt_var_min_val_1L_dbl = numeric(0),
digits_1L_int = 2L,
download_tmpl_1L_lgl = T,
fl_nm_1L_chr = "TTUProject",
items_as_domains_1L_lgl = F,
supplement_fl_nm_1L_chr = "TA_PDF",
timepoint_new_nms_chr = NA_character_,
type_1L_chr = "auto",
what_1L_chr = "default",
- x
An object of class TTUProject
- args_ls
Arguments (a list), Default: NULL
- consent_1L_chr
Consent (a character vector of length one), Default: ''
- depnt_var_desc_1L_chr
Dependent variable description (a character vector of length one), Default: 'NA'
- depnt_var_min_val_1L_dbl
Dependent variable minimum value (a double vector of length one), Default: numeric(0)
- download_tmpl_1L_lgl
Download template (a logical vector of length one), Default: T
- fl_type_1L_chr
File type (a character vector of length one), Default: '.eps'
- timepoint_new_nms_chr
Timepoint new names (a character vector), Default: 'NA'
- type_1L_chr
Type (a character vector of length one), Default: 'auto'
- what_1L_chr
What (a character vector of length one), Default: 'default'
- x_labels_chr
X labels (a character vector), Default: character(0)
- ...
Additional arguments
- custom_args_ls
Custom arguments (a list), Default: NULL
- custom_fn
Custom (a function), Default: NULL
- digits_1L_int
Digits (an integer vector of length one), Default: 2
- fl_nm_1L_chr
File name (a character vector of length one), Default: 'TTUProject'
- items_as_domains_1L_lgl
Items as domains (a logical vector of length one), Default: F
- supplement_fl_nm_1L_chr
Supplement file name (a character vector of length one), Default: 'TA_PDF'